Fulvio Scognamiglio
📺 born in Naples
⏰ 10 dec, 1989
I am a postdoc researcher at The University of Milano-Bicocca (Italy), with a PhD in Management received by The Open University (UK) in 2024.
My PhD thesis, entitled “The Urban Circular Transition through the Network Governance”, represents a holistic effort to comprehend the possible contribution of
New Public Governance and network governance to the Circular Economy transition. In May 2023, I also started as a postdoc researcher at the Department of
Business and Law at the University of Milano-Bicocca, working on an inter-university project funded by the Italian Government.
This project is focused on how the framework of Open Social Innovation could develop public value from a place-based perspective.
Specifically, I work to the methodological part of the project, focusing on the development of the Qualitative Comparative Analysis study.
As a scholar, I define myself as a governance passionate with a specific love for problems and how societal stakeholders could deal with them.
I have also published several articles on different collaborative phenomena, such as public actor relationships with other societal stakeholders, social innovation, social entrepreneurship, and public actor-nonprofit relationships.
During my career, I have also gained teaching experience at all academic levels, ranging from being a teaching assistant for undergraduate and master’s courses
to have my own methodological course for PhD students.
I am an expert in several methodologies, with relevant knowledge in Systematic Literature Review analysis,
Bibliometric Analysis, Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), Social Network Analysis, and Q methodology. Further, I have extensive knowledge of software for academic use,
such as R Studio, VOSviewer, Gephi, and ASReview.
PhD in Management by @The Open University
Postdoc researcher @Universitá degli Studi Milano-Bicocca
- Visiting PhD Student @Erasmus University Rotterdam
- Master in Politics, Administration, and Organization @University of Bologna
- Bachelor in Political Science and International Relations @University of Naples
- Main Researcher, @ University of Brescia, on the funded project “Context and future trends of public networks”, a systematic literature review on the role of trust in the networks
- Research Assistant, @ The Open University, on the funded project "Inclusive, social, green, responsible: tracking development of academic research on unconventional innovation types and its implications for innovation studies
- "Social enterprise and social entrepreneurship in the Public Administration (PA) scholar field: a bibliometric analysis and some conceptual considerations" - Caló et al. (2024) Public Management Review
- "The public sector and co-creation in turbulent times: A systematic literature review on robust governance in the COVID-19 emergency" - Scognamiglio et al. (2023) - Public Administration
- "Social innovation during turbulent times: a systematic literature review and research agenda" - Calò et al. (2023) - Public Management Review
- "Negotiating autonomy in the public sector and nonprofits "collaborations" in politically contested fields" - Calò etl. (2023) - Governance
- "Institutionalizing Experimental Places for Inclusive Social Innovation: From Utopias to Heterotopias" - Sancino et al. (2023) - Voluntas
- "A comparison of city leadership constellations in Italy and the UK" - Sancino et al. (2023) - Oxford University Press
- "Closing awarding gaps" - Caló, F., et al. (in press) - In J. Baxter, H. Selby-Fell, & A. Gilbert (Eds.), "Creativity and critique in digital learning and teaching: Insights for learning design in business and law". Palgrave Macmillan.
- European Group of Public Administration (EGPA)
2023 - Co-Chair and Operating Committee of the XIX Standing Group "Collaborative Networks and Social Innovation"
2021 - Presentation of the working paper "
- International Research Society for Public Management (IRSPM)
2024 - Presentation of the working paper "
2022 - Presentation of the working paper "
2021 - Presentation of the working paper "
- European Consortium for Political Research (2023)
2023 - Presentation of the working paper "
- Public Management Research Conference (PMRC)
2023 - Presentation of the working paper
- Social Outcomes Conferences: Blavatnik School of Government
2023 - Presentation of the working paper "
- European Group of Organization Studies (EGOS)
2022 - Presentation of the working paper "
- Transatlantic Dialogue (TAD)
2022 - Presentation of the working paper "
- Research Assistant @ The Open University (UK) on the funded project “Understanding the dynamics of attainment gap of BAME undergraduate students in
Business and Management Schools: a systematic literature review of causes, barriers, and interventions (2022)
- Research assistant @ The University of Bergamo (Italy) on the funded project “Objective and subjective predictors of successful networks” (2021)
- Research assistant @ The Open University (UK) on the funded project “Social innovation during turbulent times: a systematic literature review and research agenda" (2021)
- Who am I? A sort of presentation - link
Mail | scognamiglio.fulvio(at)gmail.com
LinkedIn | Fulvio Scognamiglio
Researchgate | Fulvio Scognamiglio